Download calibre ebook management
Download calibre ebook management

download calibre ebook management

Since it's free, this can be tempting, especially for those just starting out or authors on a shoestring budget. Some indie authors use Calibre to format their eBooks.

download calibre ebook management

You can also use Calibre to send ebooks to various e-readers, including emailing them to your Kindle device, Android device, and a number of other e-book reader devices. The virtual library management tools allow you to store and sort all your ebooks in one place, organizing and searching for them by metadata. You can use it to convert one eBook format to another, edit eBook files, and view your ebooks by using it as an e-reader. Calibre gives you the power to manage your eBook collection. Converting Your Manuscript for Upload to Online Storesīefore we dive into whether Calibre is safe, it's important to understand what the software does.

Download calibre ebook management